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Early Songs


Creative Team


Eliot Feld

Lighting Designer

Costume Designer

Running Time

32 min



Richard Strauss


“Traum durch die Dämmerung” and “Nachtgang” from Drei Lieder, Op. 29

“Seitdem dein Aug’ in meines schaute” and “Ständchen” from Sechs Lieder, Op. 17

“Der Stern” from Fünf kleine Lieder, Op. 69

“Ruhe, meine Seele” and “Morgen!” from Vier Lieder, Op. 27

“Wozu noch, Mädchen” and “Schön sind, doch kalt” from Sechs Lieder aus ‘Lotosblätter,’ Op. 19

“Herr Lenz” from Sechs Lieder, Op. 37

“All mein’ Gedanken” and “Ach weh mir unglückhaften Mann” from Schlichte Weisen, Op. 21

“Nichts” and “Die Nacht” from Acht Gedichte aus “Letzte Blätter,” Op. 10

Credits & Notes

Early Songs was made possible through a grant from The Corbett Foundation and also with the assistance of The National Endowment for the Arts, and The New York State Council on the Arts.


Copyright Notice

The choreography for Early Songs is in the public domain. If you are interested in viewing the full-length video(s), either for research purposes or for the purpose of staging the ballet, access to full length video(s) may be obtained by request. Access may be requested by clicking on the thumbnail(s) below.

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